...a facebook group has been created for your PC group.

Last week a fellow October 2011 Mali volunteer created a facebook group for all of us heading off in a couple months.  While the blue packet was the official welcome to Peace Corps, this whole life experience didn't really hit home until I started seeing the faces of who I would be going through this process with.

I came away excited at the prospect of new friends, nervous about the lack of packing I have started, and researching the best type of "bug hut" I can buy.  It seems there are quite a few midwest folks in my group, which is comforting that hopefully, if I am in a desperate state of homesickness, I can hopefully have someone to talk Big Ten sports with.  Fingers crossed.

On the whole, I'm extremely nervous to take off.  I feel like I need one more day, one more meal, one more laugh with everyone I know.  To me, 2+ years doesn't sound that bad, but every time I tell someone how long I will be gone for and hear them gasp at the time commitment, it makes me doubt my understanding of time.
Kendrick D
8/11/2011 07:40:03 am

Hey! Congrats on the invite! I just received mine and I am heading for Guinea in November. I just made a group on FB for people leaving when I am and I felt the same exact way! The time commitment is definitely in the back of my mind but when I think of what we will get out of the experience I think it'll be worth it.

PC Parent
8/11/2011 11:06:44 am

Regarding the bug hut: if you are looking for something to camp with, be aware that the REI single person Bug Hut does not have a floor. A better choice is the Outdoor Research Bug Bivy, which does.

1/27/2012 03:12:09 am

will be restored before long

1/27/2012 04:16:27 am

Great info, thanks

3/23/2012 01:51:10 pm

will come back quickly

3/31/2012 05:18:44 am

THX for info

7/12/2012 04:39:42 pm

THX for info


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