Where do you even start off a blog like this? I'm a 23 year old living in Lafayette, Indiana (insert cringe here) with one of the best jobs I could have ever hoped for.  I work for a top notch university, sending curious students to far away countries to become better people (aka Study Abroad!)  Best part?  I even get paid to travel.  And not just to go on a business trip, but my "business trips" are paid for tours by my university to check out the country.  You're probably asking yourself the same thing I did everyday in Australia last summer--"you're doing what?!"

Yes, I'm joining the Peace Corps.  I'm quitting my cushy job in comfortable Indiana for 27 months of complete uncertainty. 

For most of you, you have heard me say how excited I am, how eager I am leave, how long I have waited for this to finally happen.  Which rest assured, I am all of the aforementioned.  Yet, there is always that lingering doubt.  There is always that fleeting moment when I'm talking to someone when my body tenses just a bit more than I'd like and I wonder what exactly in hell I'm doing.  There are times I simply sit and wonder if this is the right choice. 

I keep telling myself that anyone who commits to a 27 month unknown contract has to be nervous.  I think I'd be a little loco (yes, that's the extent of my espanol) if I wasn't nervous. 

I can't help but think back to Kenya.  Beautiful, corrupted, volatile Kenya.  Those high and lows of emotions, while exhausting, was the most alive I have ever felt.  I miss that.  I want that back.  So maybe that's my big reason for committing to Peace Corps.  I want to have crazy mood swings--see something unbelievably beautiful one second and moments later see something I shudder at.  My life here is great--it's relaxing, it's comfortable and I'm content.  But is that really how I want to describe my roaring 20's?

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